(人教PEP)6年级英语上册unit2Ways to go to school单元检测课时同步练习11份


Unit 1-2

Class:__________        Name: __________     Mark: __________



(    )1. A. please     B. plane         C. post office

(    )2. A. left       B. right          C. crossing

(    )3. A. bus       B. bike          C. by

(    )4. A. stop      B. ship          C. subway

(    )5. A. how      B. what          C. Where

(    )6. A. get to     B. next to        C. go to school

(    )7. A. on foot    B. by sled        C. by ferry

(    )8. A. How can I get to the cinema?   B. How can I get there?

  1. How can we get there?

(    )9. A. It’s behind the museum.       B. It’s next to the museum.

  1. It’s neat the museum.

(    )10. A. Slow down and stop !  B. Stop and wait!   C. Let’s go !

二、听音选图。每小题读两遍。10分X k  B 1  . c o m

(    )11. A B

(    )12. A   B

(    )13. A   B

(    )14. A  B

(    )15. A   B


(    )16. Let’s to straight and turn left at the bookstore.

(    )17. Stop and wait at a red light.

(    )18. How can she get there from the bookstore?

(    )19. How can Sarah and John get to the science museum?

(    )20. Amy usually comes to school by taxi..


(    )21. A. There is a pet hospital.    B. It’s near the post office.

(    )22. A. Go straight and turn right at the park.      B. OK. Let’s go.

(    )23. A. She can take No. 29 bus over there.

  1. He can take No. 29 bus over there.

(    )24. A. I often walk to school.   B. That’s good exercise.

(    )25. A. Go at a green light.   B. He goes by ship.



五、Look and choose.看图选择正确的单词或短语。10分

(    )1.   A. by train      B. on foot

(    )2.   A. crossing    B. go straight

(    )3.   A. post office     B. science museum

(    )4.    A. by taxi    B. by busX k  B 1  . c o m

(    )5.   A. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.

  1. Stop and wait at a red light.

六、Read and write.读单词,写出每组不同类的单词,注意书写格式。10分

  1. plane train subway             2. turn   stop   museum


  1. traffic left right               4. museum  shop  park  zoo


  1. sir Mrs GPS


七、Read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的选项。10分

(    )1. I usually come to school____ foot.

  1. by B. on     C. in

(    )2. It’s _____ the cinema.

  1. near B. next     C. at

(    )3. How can we_____ the Italian restaurant?

  1. go B. get   C. get to

(    )4. How can I _____ there?

  1. get B. go to      C. get to

(    )5. Let’s ______ straight and ____ right ______ the bookstore.

  1. go, turn, in B. get, turn, at      C. go, turn, at


(    )1.Where is the post office?

(    )2. How can she get to the hospital?

(    )3. Where does the girl want to go?

(    )4. How do you come to school?

(    )5. Can you help me?

A. Sometimes I come by bus.             B. Sure.

C. She wants to the science museum.       D. It’s next to the bookstore.

E. Turn left at the post office.




  1. you how    come    to    school  (?)


  1. to I   can    get    office   the   how   post  (?)


  1. is museum     where    science    the       (.)



例:he/ often/ come/ by car

He often comes by car.

  1. she/ usually/ go/ by bike


  1. Mrs Smith/ sometimes/ take/ the No. 25bus



Amy: Excuse me. Can you help me?

Mike: Sure.

Amy: How can I get to the post office?

Mike: Go straight from here. Then turn right at the cinema. It’s next to the pet shop.

Amy: Thanks.

Mike: Oh, wait a minute. The bus is coming. You can take the No. 37 bus.

Amy: I want to go by bike.

Mike: That’s good exercise.


(    )1. Amy and Mike want to go to the post office..

(    )2. Go straight and turn left at the cinema.

(    )3. Amy can take a bus.

(    )4. Amy goes to the post office by bike. xKb 1. Co m

(    )5. The post office is next to the pet shop.


