(人教PEP)6年级英语上册unit1How can i get there单元检测和同步练习11份

新人教PEP六年级上Unit 1 How can I get there?单元测试

总分:100分    时间:40分钟    得分______

  • 补全单词并翻译汉语。(10分)

1.sci_ _ce(      )     2.mus_ _m(      )     3.bookst_ _e(      )

4.cin_m_(      )     5.h_sp_t_l (      )

  • 看图写单词或词组。(8分)
  1. ________ 2.         _________
  2. _________ 4.       (十字路口) __________


  • 找出每组中划线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)

1.A. finger  B. photo   C.pork   (   )

2.A.rose    B.nose    C.lost    (   )

3.A. sea    B.as      C.mouse  (   )

4.A.large   B.bag     C.big    (   )

5.A.fast    B.far      C.hand   (   )

  • 单项选择。(10分)
  1. The zoo is behind the museum. The museum is ________the zoo.[来源:学。科。网]

A.between   B. in front of    C.below   D.next to

  1. We can go to the post office, ________we send a post card.

A.but        B. then         C.first    D.when

3.What can not help you find a place?—A________.

A.map        B.GPS         C.sun     D.bike

4.Where is the restaurant?

Along the street,you can see it ________the left.

A.for          B.on         C. at       D.in

5.Go along the street ________ten minutes.

A.for         B.on          C.in        D.at

  • 读问句选答语。(10分)

(   )1.How can I get to the zoo?

(   )2.Where is the lib rary?

(   )3.Where are you going?

(   )4.Doe s your friend live in the city?

(   )5.Where does your mother work?

  1. I’m going to school.
  2. She works in a market.
  3. You can go by the No.8 bus.
  4. The library is next to a post office.
  5. Yes,he does.[来源:学科网]
  • 连词成句。(15分)
  1. in the we are of shop front


  1. get how I room the to can

________________________ _________________

  1. it next is to school the


  1. mother work your where does


  1. lives sister my in city a


  • 按要求做题。(12分)
  1. The park is far from the school.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)



  1. The library is over there.(对划线部分提问)

————————————————————————— ——

  1. My sister lives near the gym.( 改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)


  1. We often eat breakfast at 7:00 in the moring.( 对划线部分提问)


  • 阅读理解。(15分)

Mike:Excuse me,where is the post office?

Man:Well,follow me .But first,Let me get on your car.

(after ten mi nutes)

Man:Stop,stop!My home is here.

Mike:Where?Your home?But where is the post office?

Man:Go back, drive nine minutes. You can see it on your left.

  1. Where does Mike want to go?


  1. How do they get to the man’s home?


  1. Does the man know the post office?


  1. Is the post office near the man’s home?[来源:Z&xx&k.Com]


  1. Is the man funny?


  • 作文。(10分)



PEP人教版英语六年级Unit 1 How can I get there?参考答案

  • 补全单词并翻译汉语。
  1. science 科学 museum博物馆 3.bookstore书店  4.cinema 电影院  5.hospital 医院
  • 看图写单词或词组。

1.Go straight  2.turn left  3.turn right  4.crossing

  • 找出每组中划线部分发音不同的一项。
  1. C . C.    3. B.   4. A   5.C
  • 选择题

1.B. 根据句意这是一组反义词的应用,在……后面是behind,反之则是 in front of.


3.C.not help ——不能帮助。不能帮助找地点的东西应该是sun.

4.B.on the left. On the right是固定用法,分别表示“在左面,在右面”

  1. A.for 用于时间段前面,表示“做某事所用的时间”。
  • 读问句选答语。

1.C. 2.D. 3.A. 4.E.5.B.

  • 连词成句。
  1. We are in front of the shop.
  2. How can I get to the room?
  3. It is next to the school.
  4. Where does your mother work?
  5. My sister lives in a city.
  • 按要求做题。
  1. Is the park far from the school?

No,it isn’t.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

  1. Where is the library?
  2. Does your sister live near the gym?

No,she doesn’t.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

4.When do you often eat breakfast?

  • 阅读理解。
  1. He wants to go to the post office.
  2. By car.
  3. Yes,he does.
  4. No,it isn’t.
  5. Yes,he is.
  • 作文。

I live near my school.I often go to school on foot.Now I will tell you the way to the school.Go out my home ,go along the street for five minutes, turn left at the zoo.After one minute,you can see my school,it’s on your right.


