

A                        B

1、(   ) Let’s go the library.                      A、Yes, I do.

2、(   ) Where is the teacher’s office ?              B、Yes, it is.

3、(   ) Do you have lunch at school ?              C、 Forty-six.

4、(   ) How many desks are there in your class?    D、OK.

5、(   ) Is that your pencil ?                       E、It’s on the first floor.


1、(   )It’s time          go to school.

A、to   B、 of    C、for

2、(   )          that the art room?   No,               .

A、Is…… is itn’t.      B、Is…… it isn’t.      C、Do…… it is.

3、(   )          is the computer room?  It’s          the first floor.

A、Where……on    B、 What…… on      C、Where……in

4、(   )Look          my clock.   It’s nice.

A、in   B、 at    C、on

5、(   )               is it?  It’s seven o’clock.

A、How much       B、 How many        C、What time


1.What colour are your socks ?


2.Is this your dress, Lily?


3.What are they?


4.What colour is it ?


5.Is this a sweater?



A                        B

1、(    ) What colour is the bag?                  A、No, they aren’t.

2、(    ) Where is the T-shirt ?                    B、Yes, it is.

3、(    )Are they jeans?                          C、 It’s ZhangPeng’s.

4、(    ) Whose is that?                          D、It’s pink.

5、(    ) Is this your skirt?                        E、It’s on the bed.

九、Read and arrange.(读一读,连词成句)10分

(1)      at    look    clock    my                                 

(2)      are    red    my   socks                                 

(3)      blue    the    sweater   I   like                                 

(4)      time   for    breakfast    it    is                               

(5)      go    to    art    room    let’s    the                              


  1. skirt           pants          short        jacket
  2. lunch         dinner         cake         breakfast
  3. too            five             one           nine
  4. Chinese      English       Math        class
  5. green          read          yellow       white


( )1、  (那) is your computer.

A、His       B、That      C、Hat

( )2、Is this a teacher’s desk? ———Yes,

A、it isn’t   B、is it   C、it is

( )3、What are they?  ——           .

A、That is a jacket.    B、Those are my socks.

( )4、英语询问“现在几点了”:

A、What is it?   B、Who is that?  C、What time is it?

( )5、Where is the computer room? It’s on       (二楼).

A、the third floor  B、the first floor C、the second floor

(  )6、What  is  your  sister  name?        name is Mary.

  1. Her B. My         C. She

(  )7、Is  this  a  teacher’s  office?  Yes,          .

  1. He is      B. it  is    C. she  is

(  )8、What          is  it?     It’s  4  o’clock.

  1. colour B. time       C. class

(  )9、What colour  are  your  socks? They         white.

  1. is B. are        C.do

(  )10、       is  my  brown  jacket? It  is on the chair.

  1. What B. How       C. Where


A                                B

(    )1.How many shirts are there on the bed?   A. It’s  four o’clock.

(    )2.What are they?                        B. Yes,  she  is.

(    )3.Is your teacher in the classroom?    C. There  are  two.

(    )4.What colour is his jacket?            D. They are books.

(    )5. What time is it?                     E. It  is  pink.


1、(    ) What’s the weather like there?              A. No, you can’t.

2、(    ) Where are my jeans ?                     B、Yes, it is.

3、(    )What time is it?                          C、 It’s rainy.

4、(    ) Can I wear my new skirt?                  D、It’s twelve o’clock.

5、(    ) Is it cool?                               E、They’re on the bed.


1、(    ) How much are the slippers?             A、It’s twelve yuan.

2、(    ) Can I help you ?                      B、Yes, please.

3、(    )Are they cheap?                      C、 There are 12.

4、(    ) How many desks are there?             D、No, they are too expensive.

5、(    ) How much is the T-shirt?               E、They’re 78 yuan.


A:Oh, this farm is so big.            

A、How many lambs are there?

B、What colour are they?

C、Are those goats?

D、What are they?

E、How many ducks can you see?

F、Yes, they are.

G、What colour are they?

B: They’re lambs.


B:There are nine.


B:No,they aren’t. They’re cows. They’re fat.


B:They’re white and black.

A:Look, are those hens?



(   )1    A. fan         B. many           C. washroom

(   )2    A. have        B. cake           C. has

(   )3    A. cup         B. use            C. tube

(   )4    A. five         B. expensive       C. hi

(   )5    A. open        B. hole           C. box

(   )6    A. these        B. sheep          C. smell

(   )7    A. apple        B. class          C. pants

(   )8    A. close        B. those          C. on

(   )9    A. take         B. potato         C.carrot

(   )10   A. hen         B. the            C. fresh


(   )1. It’s time _______  P. E. class.    A. of    B. to     C. in

(   )2. How many ________ books do you have?

  1. english B. China            C. Chinese

(   )3. -Whose jacket is this?  -It’s ______.

  1. my B. Mike             C. your sister’s.

(   )4. These ______ your shorts.  A. am    B. are      C. is

(   )5. This is _____ bag. That is _____ bag.

  1. my; you B. me; your          C. my; your

(   )6. Where is the canteen? It’s ______ first floor.  A. in   B. at    C. on

(   )7. We have _____ art rooms in our school.   A. an   B. a    C. two

(   )8. -________ time is it?  – ______ is 8 o’clock.

  1. What’s; It’s B. What; It           C. What; it

(   )9. There are nine ________.  A. o’clock     B. clock     C. clocks

(  )10. I want a pair of sandals _____ my son.   A. for     B. of    C. to



(     )1A teacher       B nurse        C  boy             D student

(     )2 A   he        B  I          C   she            D   they

(     )3 A  eighty      B old          C  eleven           D thirteen

(     )4 A  what       B  where      C  who             D  this

(     )5 A   clock      B jacket        C  sock           D  dress


(    )1、当你发现你的朋友浪费食物时,你该说:

  1. I have milk and bread for breakfast.
  2. I like chicken, fish and beef. C. Don’t waste food.

(    )2、你刚到一所新学校上学,不知电脑室在哪,你该问:

  1. Where’s the art room? B. Where’s the computer room?
  2. Where’s the music room?

(    )3、 Amy 到你家作客,你想给她倒点喝的,你该说:

  1. Can I have some orange juice?
  2. I’d like some coke? C. What would you like, milk or tea?

(    )4、你准备本周末到香港迪士尼玩,你想了解哪里的天气,就拨通12121询问天气情况,你该问:

  1. Hello, how are you?   B. It’s warm and windy.
  2. Hello, what is the weather like in Hong kong on Sunday?

(    )5、今天,镇的领导参观我们的学校,你见到面时,该说:

  1. Welcome back to our school. B. Welcome to our school.
  2. The washroom is on the first floor.

(    )6、当你遇到一些需要帮助的人时,你可以主动地说:

  1. Can you help me? B. Can I help you?   C. Can I have a look?

(    )7、你看到爸爸提着一个大箱子回家,你很好奇里面的东西,你就问:

  1. What’s in the big bag? B. What colour is the big bag?
  2. How old are you?

(    )8、当别人向你提供帮助,你不需要时,你该说:

  1. No, thank you. B. No, I’m not.        C. Yes, thank you.

(    )9、当你的同学想借用一下你的文具时,你很乐意借他一用,你该说:

  1. Thank you. B. Can I use your eraser?        C. Certainly.

(     )10、你刚认识一位外籍的朋友,想知道他的国籍,你该有礼貌地问:

  1. Hello, where are you from? B. Hello, who are you?  C. What’s your name?


八、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同打“√”,否则打“×”。(5 分)

(    ) 1.  red      desk      (    ) 2.  snake      bag

(    ) 3.  cold     rose      (    ) 4.  cute     toothbrush

(    ) 5.  kite     window



(     ) 1. How _____ sheep are there?  Thirteen.

  1. much B. many C. many

(     ) 2. The pants _____ very expensive.        A. is    B. are     C. am

(     ) 3. It’s 7:10. It’s time ______ go to school.   A. to    B. for     C. of

(     ) 4. _______ is this sweater?  It’s Sarah’s.

  1. Where  B. Whose         C. What

(     ) 5. Can I help you? Yes. I ______  a pair of sneakers.

  1. see      B. wear           C. want


  1. shoes    your    are     baby   those ( . )
  2. much     that     pretty    how   is   dress  ( ? )


  1. your    is    computer     this  ( ? )
  2. cloudy it’s    London    in   ( . )
  3. hens are    the    fat     ( . )



