



  1. down pie (  )          2. green  great (   )    3. red  and (  )
  2. parrot grandpa (  )   5. ball  big(   )           6. ruler  brother (  )



  1. 在那边   2. 在门后                      
  2. 在窗边   4. 听我的                      
  3. 坐下   6. 看黑板                      

7 关门                               8. 打开你的文具盒                 

  1. 在课上吃 在图书馆叫                      
  2. 喝我的牛奶 在椅子下                     
  3. all her friends walk up and down               

15.Don’t eat here.                         16. Here you are.                   

  1. fly away 18.off we go                      



(   ) 1. A. Mr            B. Mrs             C. Miss

(   ) 2. A: yes                       B: no              C: not

(   ) 3. A. sit                         B: down                    C: stand

(   ) 4. A: beside         B: nice                       C: happy

(   )5. A: behind                   B: under                     C: old

(   )6. A: Miss Li                 B: Yang Ling              C: Mike

(   )7. A: my                         B: I               C: your

(  )8、A.your          B.you             C.I

(   )9. A: here                       B:where                      C: what

(   )10. A: ruler                    B: book                      C: pie



(  )1. What’s          over there ?

  1. this B.that          C. the

(  )2. This is ______English book.

  1. you B.I            C. my

(  )3. Is that your pencil case?     _______________

  1. Yes, she is . B. Yes, he is .     C. Yes, it is.

(  )4. What colour is it?         _______________

  1. It’s a jacket.     B.  It’s OK.     C.  It’s blue.

(  )5.Liu Tao is _______the door.

  1. on under C. behind

(    )6.—-Don’t listen  _______Sam, Bobby.      —-OK.

A./                 B. for                 C. to

(  )7.Where’s Yang Ling?   ________behind the door.

  1. She’s B. she’s         C. She

(  )8._____shout in the library.

  1. Don’t B. Please C. Not

(  )9.Don’t run ______,please.

  1. there B. three            C. where

(  )10.This cake is ______you.

  1. on to C. for

(   ) 11. —-Look ________ the blackboard , Mike.    —- Yes , Miss Li.

  1. at B. on C./

(   ) 12. —-What’s this ?     —-It’s ________.

  1. door B. a door C. an door

(   ) 13.—-Please close the window.     —-________.

  1. Thank you. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. I’m sorry.

(   ) 14.—-The rubber is for you, Mike.     —-________.

  1. Goodbye. B. Thank you. C. OK.



(  )1. 外面开始刮大风了,妈妈请你关上窗户后,她会说:

  1. Thank you. B. Close the window.

(  )2. 体育课后,你找不到你的T恤了,你说:

  1. Where’s my T-shirt? B. Where’s your T-shirt?

(  )3. 你想告诉别人那不是你的书包,你会说:

  1. That’s my schoolbag. B. That isn’t my schoolbag.

(  )4.做错事情后,你会说:

  1. No, thank you . B. I’m sorry.

(  )5. 你想告诉别人小鸟飞到了树上,可以说:

  1. The bird is in the tree. It’s a bird.

(  )6. 夸赞别人的东西好看,别人会说:

A: How beautiful.                               B: Thank you.

(  )7. 你想告诉别人它不是你的尺子,你可以说:

A: It’s not my ruler.                            B: This isn’t my ruler.

(  )8. 你告诉妈妈你想要去睡觉,你可以说:

A: I want to sleep.                              B: I want to talk.

(   )9、妈妈叫你把窗户打开,她会对你说:

  1. Open the window, please. B. Open the door ,please.

(   )10、当你迟到了,你应该对老师说:

  1. Yes ,Mr Green. B. I’m sorry, Miss Li.

(   )11、老师叫你不要把窗户打开,你会回答道:

  1. OK. B. Yes,please.

(   )12、你想知道这是什么,你会问:

  1. It’s a rubber. B. What’s this ?

(   )13、爸爸叫你不要打开门,他会对你说:

  1. Open the door. B. Don’t open the door.

(   )14、好朋友请我帮助他开门,他应该说:

A: Open the door, please.      B. Close the door, please.

  1. Thank you.

(   )15、当踢完足球满头大汗进教室时,我请我同桌:

  1. Close the window. B. Open the window.

(   )16、同学David帮助我关门后,我对他说:

  1. Close the door. B. Thank you.        C. Yes, David

(   )17.上课了,值日班长说:

  1. Stand up. B. Sit down.

(   )18.你去老师办公室,老师对你说:

  1. Come in, please. B. I’m sorry, Miss Li.


(   )1.What colour is the window?             A. Sit down,please.

(   )2.Stand up, please.                      B. It’s a robot.

(   )3.What’s this?                         C. Good morning.

(   )4.Good morning.                       D. OK,Miss Li.

(   )5.Don’t open the book.                  E. It’s yellow.

(   )6.Would you like a cake?                F.It’s nice.

(   )7.Hello, Liu Tao.                       H.Nice to meet you, too.

(   )8.Nice to meet you.                     I.Thank you.

(   )9.The book is for you,Helen.             J.Hello,Mike.

(   )10.Look at my cap.                     K.Yes,please.



A.Look at the blackboard.      B.I’m sorry.

C.Would you like a hot dog?    D.What’s this?

1、—-Don’t drink here.



—-It’s an English book.


—-Yes,Mr Green.


—-No,thank you.



  1. Gao Shan,please open the book. B. Yes ,Mr Green.
  2. Good morning, class. D. Stand up.
  3. Thank you, Mr Green. F. Sit down,please.
  4. Good morning, Mr Green.



  1. Thank you. B. Hello, Helen. Is this my rubber?
  2. No, it isn’t. It’s my rubber. D. Hello, Mike.
  3. Where’s my rubber? F. Look! It’s under the chair. Here you are.



  • 连词成句,并写上中文(注意标点符号)
  1.   that , is ,  schoolbag,  your  ( ? )

________________________________________ 中文:                     

  1. my ,  is,  where,  pencil  ( ? )



  1. isn’t, this,  my,   rubber  ( . )




  1. 这是你的书包吗?不,它不是。

                your                , it         .

  1. 你的书在哪里?它在你的课桌下。

                your book? It’s         the         .

  1. 这个机器人是给你的。谢谢

This        is               . Thank you.

  1. 不要在图书馆大喊大叫,迈克。对不起。

Don’t               the library, Mike.        Sorry.

  1. 不要在这儿吃喝。

              or         here.



