

班级_    __   姓名__  __   评分_____

  • 听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)

(   )1.  A.             B.             C.

(   )2.  A.                 B.                   C.

(   )3.   A.   pants     B. jeans        C. shorts

(    ) 4.   A. first           B. four            C. wall

(    ) 5.   A. 7:30           B. 11:30           C. 11:13

(    ) 6.   A. colour         B. clock           C. o’clock

(    ) 7.   A. jacket         B. jeans           C. dress.

(    ) 8.   A. white shirt     B. red shirt        C. black shirt

(    ) 9.  A.  It’s 4:05. It’s time for Chinese class.

  1. It’s 4:15. It’s time for Chinese class.
  2. It’s 4:50. It’s time for Chinese class.

(    ) 10.  A.  Let’s run.

  1. Let’s go home.
  2. Let’s go to school.




1、A: Is this your            ?   B:  No, it’s             .

2、A: Where is my                        ? B: It’s on your bed.

3、A: What             is it?   B:  It’s            .

4、A: What            is it?  B: It’s yellow.

5、A: What’s in your classroom?

B: There is one            , two            and four            .

  • 根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母编号填到句子前面的括号里。(10分)

(   )  1、 A: Yes, it isn’t.   B: No, it’s not.   C: No, it’s white.

(   )  2、 A:It’s purple.  B: They’re red.  C: It’s a jacket.

(   )  3、 A:  It’s on the first floor.  B: It’s Jack’s.  C: They’re three.

(   )  4、 A:It’s 13 yuan.   B: It’s 6:00.   C: There are eight.

(   )  5 、A: Yes, it is.   B: It’s twelve o’clock.    C: It’s time go to bed.



(   )1、We have a new library.

(   )2、There are fifty desks in my classroom.

(   )3、The door is white.

(   )4、It’s 3:00 now.

(   )5、It’s time for P.E. class.


  • 看图完成句子,每空一词。(10分)

1、What’s             and               ?  It’s  8.

2、I like the                 with the              .

3、What’s in the classroom?

Look, three                  and nine            .


4、It’s               .It’s time for                      class.

5、I put on the         (蓝色的) socks and the         (黄色的) shoes.


1、Is this a TV ?                           

2、What time is it now ?                               

3、                         ?          Yes,it is.

4、                      ?        It’s white.

5、What are they?



九 选择填空。请在方框内选择适当的句子把对话补充完整,并将其序号填在横线上。(每题2分,共10 分)

Mike: Hurry up! Look at the clock!

John: _____________________?

Mike: It’s seven o’clock. It’s time for Sarah’s birthday party.

John: Ok, just a minute. But _____________?

Mike: Is that your shirt?

A: Happy birthday!

B: What time is it now?

C: No, it’s not.

D: Where is my shirt?

E: What colour is it?

John: __________. It’s my brother’s.

Mike: _______________________?

John: It’s blue. I like blue.

Mike: Hey! It’s on the chair.

John: Oh, yes!

John and Mike: ________________________!

Sarah: Thank you! Please have some birthday cake!



Today is Sunday. It’s my birthday. I get up at 6:30. I put on my new yellow shirt and blue jeans.  I like my red shoes. I eat some bread and drink milk at 7:00 for breakfast. At 7:25, I go to school. At 9:00, I go to the library. It’s on the second floor. I read a story-book there. I go home at 11:30.

(  )1、I get up at           .    A、six  twenty     B、six thirty

(  )2、What colour is my new shirt?    A、yellow       B、blue

(  )3、The library is on the                  floor. A 、first   B、second

(  )4、I have          for breakfast.   A、bread and milk  B、water and rice

(  )5、I like the         shoes.      A、black       B、red




  1. Hand in the homework.
  2. These are my socks.
  3. Please pass me my jeans.
  4. The canteen is on the first floor.
  5. Hurry up! It’s 7:30. It’s time to go.
  6. Look at my clock. It’s cool!
  7. These are my jeans. They’re blue.
  8. Pass me the red shirt, please.
  9. It’s 4:15. It’s time for Chinese class.
  10. Let’s go to school.

二、√ × ×  × ×

1、Go to the library. Read a story-book.

2、Fold you dress.

3、It’s 5:30. It’s time to go home.

4、How many ants can you see?  I can see 10.

5、What time is it now? It’s 7:30.


1、Welcome to our school. This is our artroom.

2、What time is it, now? It’s 8:00.

3、Look at these my shoes. They’re pretty.

4、Put on your jacket.

5、Look. What’s this? It’s a blue dress.

四、1、Is this your computer ? No, it’s not .

2、Where is my green T-shirt? It’s on your bed.

3、What time is it? It’s 9:45.

4、What colour is it? It’s yellow.

5 、What’s in your classroom?

There is one board, two doors and four windows.

五、B  A  B  C  B

1、Is this your skirt?

2、What colour is the jacket?

3、Whose is it?

4、How many chairs are there in your class?

5、What time is it, now?

六、√ × × × √

Welcome to our school. This is a playground. It’s big. We have a new library. There are many books here. In my classroom, we can see 42 desks and chairs. The door is green. Look at the clock. It’s 4:00, now. It’s time for P.E. class. This is our school. I like my school .

七、1、seven   one      2、skirt    T-shirt    3、fans    lights

4、8:00    Chinese        5、blue   yellow

八、1、No, it’s not. (No,it isn’t. /  No, it is not./   No, it’s a computer. )

2、It’s 8:40.  It’s eight forty.

3、Is this/ that/it your dress?

4、What colour is the shirt?

5、They’re pants./ These are pants./  Those are pants.

九、B、D、C、E、A          十、B、A、B、A、B


