
PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共30分)

  1. 一. (共5分)听句子,选出句中所包含的单词

(     ) 1. A. shopping    B. dancing    C. swimming

(     ) 2. A. spring      B. August     C. autumn

(     ) 3. A. first        B. fourth      C. fifth

(     ) 4. A. they       B. their       C. theirs

(     ) 5. A. sleeping    B. thinking    C. eating

  1. 二. (共5分)听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序。
  2. 三. (共10分) 听问句,选择恰当的答语。

(     ) 1. A. At 8:00.    B. In the evening.     C. On the weekend.

(     ) 2. A. Summer.      B. September.     C. Easter.

(     ) 3. A. Yes, she is.   B. No, it can’t.     C. Yes, it is.

(     ) 4. A. He’s my dad.      B. It’s mine.      C. John.

(    ) 5. A. He’s young.    B. He’s singing.     C. She’s swimming.

  1. 四. (共10分) 听短文,在相应的表格里打√。



Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共70分)

  1. 五. 选出下列单词划线部分发音与众不同的一项。(共12分)

(     ) 1. A. three    B. thin       C. that

(     ) 2. A. clean     B. clever    C. plate

(     ) 3. A. drink     B. think     C. long

(     ) 4. A. where    B. who      C. which

(     ) 5. A. school   B. March     C. teacher

(     )6. A. library    B. grow     C. umbrella

  1. 六. 看图,根据句意及首字母提示填写短语。(共10分)
  2. When do you p s          ? 11
  3. I often p a            in summer.
  4. My birthday is on J f          .
  5. Please k the desk c           .
  6. The girl is e l          .
  7. 七. Read and choose. 选词填空,补全句子。(共8分)

yours       hers      ours      mine

  1. This is your eraser, where is ?
  2. Your classroom is clean, is clean, too.
  3. —— Is this Sarah’s new bike?—— No, is yellow.
  4. My pencil-box is too small. What about ?


  1. have We in   a   trip   May   school


  1. Whose is this   book


  1. He drinking is   water


  1. What the is   little   doing   monkey


  1. do like Which  season  you  best


  1. 九. Read and choose. 读对话,选择图片。 (共10分)


(   ) 4. — What is she doing?

— She is reading a book.

(   ) 5. — What do you do on weekends?

— I often sing.


(A)          (B)           (C)           (D)          (E)

(   ) 1. — Why do you like spring?

— Because the trees are green.

(   ) 2. — Is the girl sleeping?

— No, she is listening to music.

(   ) 3. — When is your birthday?

— It’s on February twenty-fourth.

十. 根据上下文,选择恰当的句子完成对话(填代号)(共10分)

John: What are you doing, Mike?

Mike:                                                  ?

John: Which season do you like best?

Mike:                                                 ?

John: I like summer,too.                                           .

Mike: The weather is too hot. Let’s go swimming, OK?

John: Great!                                            ?

Mike: No, he can’t. He’s busy now.

John: What is he doing?

Mike:                                          .

John: Oh, maybe next time. Then let’s go!

  1. He is having a football class.
  2. Can your brother go swimming with us?
  3. Because I can swim in summer.
  4. I’m reading a book about season.
  5. I like summer best.

十一. 阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分)

I am Sarah. I have three good friends. They are Amy, John and Tom. Amy likes winter, because her birthday is in February. She likes music. She is listening to music now. John’s birthday is on April 1st. Ha, it’s April Fool’s Day. He likes sports. Look! He is playing basketball. Tom’s birthday is in October. So he likes autumn, and he can pick apples in autumn. Is he picking apples? No, he is eating apples. I like spring because spring is very beautiful. What am I doing? I am reading a book.

(     )1. How many friends does Sarah have?

  1. One Two C. Three

.(    )2. Which season dose Amy like best?

  1. Spring Summer C. Autumn   D. Winter

(    )3. When is John’s birthday ?

A . It’s in February .   B.  It’s in April .   C. It’s in October .

(    )4. What is Tom doing??

A . He’s playing basketball.    B.  He’s picking apples.

  1. He’s eating apples. D.She’s reading a book.

(     )5. What is Sarah doing?

A . He’s playing basketball.    B.  He’s picking apples.

  1. He’s eating apples. D.She’s reading a book.


PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共30分)

  1. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:CBBCA
  2. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:23154

III. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:AACBC

  1. 共10分,每小题2分。如下:

Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共70分,含卷面3分)

  1. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:CCCBA
  2. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:
  3. play, sports; 2. pick, apples; 3. January, first; 4. keep,clean; 5. eating, lunch.

VII. 共4分,每空1分。依次是:mine, ours, hers, yours

VIII. 共8分,每小题2分。依次是:

  1. We have a school trip in May.
  2. Whose book is this?/ Whose is this book?
  3. He is drinking water.
  4. What is the little monkey doing?
  5. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:EDABC





  1. 听句子,选出句中所包含的单词。
  2. I often go swimming in summer. 2. My birthday is in August.
  3. April Fool’s Day in on April 4th. 4. Are these bags theirs?
  4. The little boy is sleeping.
  5. 听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序。
  6. —— What is the girl doing?

—— She is taking a dancing class.

  1. —— Why do you like winter?

—— Because I can make a snowman.

  1. —— Is the dog drinking water?

—— No, it’s eating.

  1. —— Look! Chen Jie is having an English class.

—— Yes, she is a good girl.

  1. —– A dog is climbing the mountain.

—– Really?

III. 听问句,选择恰当的答语。

  1. When do you eat breakfast?
  2. Which is your favourite season?
  3. Is the cat sleeping?
  4. Whose pencil-box is this?
  5. What is your sister doing.
  6. 听短文,在相应的表格里打√。

There are five people in Jim’s family. Jim’s father is a doctor. He is forty-two years old. His birthday is in October. Jim’s mother is a nurse. She is forty-one years old. Her birthday is on June 15th. Jim’s brother is a cook. He likes spring. Because his birthday is on March 6th. Jim’s sister is a beautiful girl. Her birthday is in April. When is Jim’s birthday? It’s on September 3rd.








