

II 笔试部分(60)


(    )1.A.this     B. that    C. those   D. think

(    )2.A.teacher  B. river   C. her     D .dinner

(    )3.A.car      B. short   C. fork    D. horse

(    )4.A.how   B. window   C. yellow   D. snow

(    )5.A.clock  B. come    C. class    D. clean


A:                                B:

curtain          垃圾箱            cook the meals          浇花

trash bin        窗帘              water the flowers       扫地

closet           衣橱              sweep the floor       打扫卧室

mirror           床头柜            clean the bedroom       洗碗碟

end table        镜子              do the dishes           做饭


(   )1. Is she quiet?                    A. I do my homework.

(   )2. What day is it today ?           B No, she is very active.

(   )3. I don’t like grapes.             C. It’s Tuesday.

(   )4.Who’s  your  English  teacher?    D. They are sour.

(   )5.What do you on Sundays?           E. Mr. Zhao.


(   )1.________ there a path here?

  1. Be B. Is       C. Are       D. Am

(   )2.Are  there ________rivers  in  the  country?

  1. many B. some    C. any       D./

(   ) 3.Are  there  any  ________in  the mountain?

  1. panda      B. pandas  C. panda’s   D. pandas’

(   )4.This  is a  picture ________my family.

  1. of B. at      C.  in         D. on

(   )5.There  ________a pencil and two pens in my pencils -case.

  1. is B. be      C. are        D. am

(   )6.Is  this ________ bedroom?

  1. you B. her     C. yours     D. me

(   )7–Can you  make  the  bed ?–Sorry ,I________.

  1. Can B. can’t    C. am        D. don’t

(   )8.Please  tell me ________your  school.

  1. with B. of      C. about      D.  /

(   )9.–What do you ________for lunch today ?

–I have fish and cabbages.

  1. do B. does     C. have       D. has

(   )10.I don’t like grapes .They ‘re________.

  1. sour B. tasty    C. sweet     D. nice



We_________ English, Math on_____.


They often __________TV__________ Saturdays.


What would you ________for_______? I’d like some  ________and _______.


Jim_________ __________the meals at home.



1.you, Can  .use, computer?   a,


  1. and , Come, look my , curtains. at, new,


3.There, a, forest, is, my, in, village.


4.near, It’s, door. the,


5.set, you, Can, table?  the,



We have a new flat. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. In my own room, there is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. There is a beautiful curtain and two end tables in my parents’ bedroom. I love my new flat very much.


1.There are two ___________, a _________, a __________and a __________in our new flat.

2.There is a _____________,a ____________and a ________________in my own room.

3.There is a __________and two _________tables in my parents’ bedroom.

八 、请你写一个有关你房间的小短文。要求:内容叙述合理,家具描述准确。(5分)

This is my room. ________________________________________


_________________________________Ilove my room very much!



