


  • 听音,把序号写在括号里。(10分)

(      )1.A. tonight  B. today  C. favourite  D. funny

(      )2.A. for     B. four    C. house    D. horse

(      )3. A. strict  B. see     C. smart   D. set

(      )4. A. three  B. that    C. thank   D. play

(      )5. A. our  B. read    C. hour    D. old

  • 听音判断,对的(√)错的(×)(10分)
  1. 2.  3. 4.  5.

(    )       (    )      (    )      (    )      (    )

三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的序号写在括号里。( 5分)

(    )  1.A. Mr Carter is tall and strong.

  1. Miss Carter is tall and pretty.
  2. Miss Carter is tall and thin.

(    ) 2.A. Do you often play sports?

  1. Do you often play football?
  2. Do you often play basketball?

(    )  3.A. I have eggs and fish.

  1. I have eggs and potatoes.
  2. I have eggs and tomatoes.

(    )  4.A. I have PE.     B. I have Chinese.      C. I have maths.

(    )  5.A. They’re delicious.  B. They’re healthy.  C. It’s delicious.


1..I see a ______  _______ .

  1. The ______ is_______.
  2. What would you like to drink ? I’d like _______ please.


  • 选出每组中划线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)

(     )1.  A. bread   B. teacher    C. healthy

(     )2.  A. goat    B. coat      C. board

(     )3.  A. young   B. out      C. houseX

(     )4.  A. slow     B. window    C. how

(     )5.  A. windy    B. shy       C. healthy


(  )1.What’s your grandma like?

(  )2.Who’s your English teacher?

(  )3.Is Amy hard-working?

(  )4.What time is it now?

(  )5. What’s your favourite food?

A. Fish.                  B. It’s two clock.

C. She’s tall and thin.      D. Miss White.

E. Yes,she is.



  • 选择不同种类的单词,将序号填在括号内。(每题2分,共10分)

(     ) 1. A. Monday   B. Friday   C. dad

(     ) 2  A. Miss     B. music     C. Mr

(     ) 3. A. water     B. bread     C. apple juice

(     ) 4. A. polite     B.  quite    C. food

(     ) 5.A. healthy    B. robot     C. delicious


Do you know Mr Young?        (     )

No ,I don’t.                   (     )

Who is he ?                   (     )

He’s our music teacher .        (     )

Is he funny?                  (     )

Yes ,he is.                    (     )

五.选出最恰当的一项。(每小题1分,共 10分)

(      )1. I’d like some ______.

A. tomato        B. tomatos  C. tomatoes

(      )2. What’s_____like?

A. he     B. his   C. him

(      )3. Would you like some sandwiches?


A. Yes, please      B. They’re healthy   C. I have grapes

(      )4. What do you have______Thursdays?

A. at       B. in    C. onX k  B  1 . c o m

(      )5. What would you like ____drink?

A. for        B. of      C. to

(      )6. Mike is not hungry. He’s _____. He’d like some water.

A. helpful        B. thirsty     C. tired

(      )7. The fish is too______.You can’t eat it.

A. great           B. do     C. hot

(      )8. Would you like some______?

A. hamburgers      B. grape   C. apple

(      )9. What’s ______favourite food?

A. you           B. your       C. yours

(      )10. They ______old.

A. is          B. am      C. are

六.连词成句。( 8分 )

  1. watch TV Do often you on the weekend ?


  1. on Saturdays do homework They often.


  1. do What you Grandpa on have Fridays  ?


  1. to eat would What you like ?


  1. 七. 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)

Hello ,I am Nina. I go to school from Monday to Friday . We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After school , I have many activities I play ping-pong on Mondays. I play basketball on Tuesdays. I listen to music on Thursdays. I do my homework in the evening. I often read books and watch TV on Saturdays . I play computer games on Sundays . I love weekends . How about you?

(     )1. Nina has six classes every day from Monday to Friday .

(     )2. Nina plays ping-pong on Mondays and Tuesdays .

(     )3. Nina plays basketball on Tuesdays .

(     ) 4. Nina doesn’t go to school on the weekend.

(     )5. Nina watch TV on Saturdays .



  • 听音把序号写在括号里。
  1. today 2. house 3. strict 4. three 5. old



1.What do you do on the weekend,Mike? I often do my homework.

2.What’s your Chinese teacher like?  She’s very kind.

3.Do you often read books on Tuesdays ? Yes , I do.

4.I’d like some noodles. It’s my birthday today.

5.Is this boy funny? Yes ,he is.

√  ×  √   ×  √


三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的序号写在括号里。( 5分)

1.Who’s your English teacher? Miss Carter. What’s she like?  Miss Carter is tall and pretty.

  1. Do you often play sports? Yes ,I do.
  2. I have eggs and tomatoes on Monday .
  3. What do you have on Thursdays?

I have maths.

  1. What’s your favourite food ? Sandwiches.They’re delicious.



1..I see a yellow  flower .

  1. The baby is happy.
  2. What would you like to drink ? I’d like tea please.



