六年级上册新版PEP小学英语 六年级上册 重点词汇和句子

六年级上册 Unit1
Science 科学 museum(博物馆)post office(邮局) bookstore(书店) cinema(电影院) hospital(医院) crossing(十字路口) turn(转弯) left(左) right (右) straight(笔直地)
1、–Where is the museum shop?   博物馆商店在哪里?
–It’s near the door.     在大门附近。
2、–How can we get there?      我们怎么到哪儿?
–Turn left at the bookstore.    到书店左转。

六年级上册 Unit2
on foot(步行) by(乘) bus (公共汽车) plane (飞机)  taxi (出租车) ship(大船) subway 地铁  train(火车) bike(自行车) slow(慢的)slow down(慢下来)stop(停下)slow(慢的)slow down(慢下来)stop(停下)
1、–How do you come to school?     你怎么来学校的?
–Usually, I come on foot.     通常我走路来。
2、In the USA people on bikes must wear one.
3、Don’t go at the red light!    别闯红灯!
4、I must pay attention to the traffic lights.      我必须注意交通信号灯!

六年级上册 Unit3
this morning(今天上午)  this afternoon(今天下午)  this evening (今天晚上) tonight(今晚) tomorrow(明天)next week(下周) take a trip(去旅行)  see—saw a film(看电影)go to the supermarket(去超市) visit my grandparents(看望我的祖父母)dictionary(词典)comic book(儿童的连环画册) word book(单词书)postcard(明信片)
1、–What are you going to do tomorrow?   你明天打算做什么?
–I’m going to have an art lesson.      我要上美术课。
–We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.   我要到人民公园去画画。
2、–Where are you going?  你们打算去哪儿?
— We are going to the cinema.     我们打算去电影院。
3、–When are you going ?     你们什么时候去?
–we are going next Wednesday.我们打算下个星期三去。【句子】

六年级上册 Unit4
dance—dancing(跳舞)sing– singing(唱歌) read—reading stories(读故事) play–playing football(踢足球)do—doing kung fu(练武术)cook–cooks Chinese food(烹饪中国菜)   study—studies Chinese(学习中文)  do—does word puzzles(做字谜)  go—goes hiking(去远足)
1、–What are Peter’s hobbies?       彼得有什么爱好?
–He likes reading stories.          他喜欢读故事。
2、–Does he live in Sydney?        他住在悉尼吗?
–No, he doesn’t,        不,他没有。
3、–Does he like doing word puzzle and going hiking?  他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?
— Yes, he does.        是的,他喜欢。

六年级上册 Unit5
factory worker(工厂工人) postman(邮递员) businessman(商人)police officer(警察) fisherman(渔民) scientist(科学家) pilot(飞行员) coach(教练)
1、–What does he do ?        他是做什么的?
–He’s a businessman.        他是商人。
2、–Where does he work?        他在哪儿工作?
–He works at sea.           他在海上工作。
3、– How does he go to work?      他怎么上班?
–He goes to work by bike.       他骑自行车上班。

六年级上册 Unit6
happy(高兴的)sad(难过的)angry(生气的)worried(担心的、发愁的)afraid(害怕)see a doctor(看病) do more exercises(做更多的运动)wear warm clothes(穿暖和的衣裳) take a deep breath(深深吸一口气)  count to ten(数到十)
1、They are afraid of  him.        他们害怕他。
2、The cat is angry with them.       这只猫很生他们的气。
3、–What’s wrong?        怎么了?
–Your father is ill.     你爸爸病了。
–He should see a doctor this morning.     他今天早上应该去看病。
4、Don’t be sad.      别伤心。


