


   b        F       i        m  

   H       g       j    ___d____     e  


答案: a, c    E,G   h, j    l, n   G,I   f, h   i, k   c, e   d, f



1, boy     girl     teacher

2,  what    where    watch

3,  father    mother   woman

4,  he       she      that

5,  twelve   thirteen    funny

6,  can      fly       draw

7,  nice     family     new


答案:3.  3.  3.  3.  3.  1.  2



1、______is that woman ?  —She is my English teacher ,Miss Chen .

A   Where      B   who       C   what

2、How many _______can you see ?     —Nineteen.

A    kite        B   kites      C    cat

3、I _____a new friend .Her name is Alice .

A    am          B  have     C   has

4、Who is that girl ?     —_____is my sister .

A  I           B   He           C She

5、______ are you from ?       —I’m from America .

A   Where       B   Who        C   How many

6、Happy Women’s Day !  Miss White !      —________

  1. Happy Women’s Day B Thank you C Good idea


答案:B B B C A B




A                               B

(  )1. Who’s that woman ?             a. I have thirteen pencils

(  )2 . How are you?                 b. I’m from China.

(  )3,. How old are you?              c. I’m fine

(  )4. Where are you from?            d. She is my mother.

(  )5. How many monkeys can you see?   e. I’m eleven

(  )6. Can I have some ice-cream ?   f. I can see twenty-two monkeys.(  )7. How many pencils do you have?      g. Sure.



答案:1 d;  2 c;  3 e;  4 b;  5 f;  6 g;  7 a




(   ) 1,How funny!         A, 真漂亮!     B,真有趣!

(   ) 2, 当你提醒别人注意时,你应该说____ A. watch out!  B. good idea!

(   ) 3, 三八妇女节时,你对妈妈应该说_____。

A, Happy Halloween!      B, Happy Women’s Day!

( )4,你走路时发现一只大蚂蚁,你感叹道____。

A, What a big ant!       B, How a big ant!

(   ) 5, 班里来了新同学,大家欢迎说_____。

A, Welcome !      B, Goodbye!

(   ) 6, 你上课迟到了,应该对老师说_____。

A, I’m sorry.   B, It’s OK.

(   ) 7, 今天Amy 穿了一条漂亮的新裙子,你说____。

A,  Oh, how beautiful!   B,  Oh, what funny!


答案:     B A B A A A A



Tom and John are good friends.They’re from America. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers.John has five new f riends. Miss White is their English teacher.She likes them very much.

(  )1, Tom and John are good friends.

(  )2. John is twelve years old.

(  )3. John is from USA.

(  )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers.

(  )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students.





